Taboos for Sending Wedding Gifts

Taboos for Sending Wedding Gifts It is common for our Chinese to send gifts during festivals or some special days such as the wedding day of our friends, the birthday of some relatives. So when an invitation to ask you to come over, it means there is something for you to think about, that is how to express your best wishes to them. Someone would choose to save trouble by sending a red envelope while others want to leave deep impression on their friend by sending them some interesting small gift.  Taboos for Sending Wedding Gifts
Unfortunately, most of the youth in our age rarely know the etiquette of Chinese. So there are many taboos we should wedding dresses avoid when sending gifts. It also means that when friends get married, the gifts are criterion to test whether you sincere and if you know some cardinal principles. Especially for those busy office workers, if you want to buy a good gift with less money and save time at the same time, you should get to know some traditional wedding gifts taboo that should be paid attention to as following. 1, don’t send clock and watch. The clock has homophones of dead, which is not lucky. And watch has the homophones wedding gowns of Whore, which would make people unhappy. 2 don't send cutting tools. It is easy to hurt, and also implies an "over" idiom, it would give others a sense that they bear malicious intentions. 3 Don't send an umbrella. An umbrella has homophones of scatteredness, namely discrete. There was a kind of argument goddess wedding dresses that it is only rainy day will umbrella be of use, so sending an umbrella mean that he hope people to always have a rainy day. Rainy days are gloomy, so umbrella is also considered unlucky gift.  Taboos for Sending Wedding Gifts
4 Don't send fan, fan also has homophones of scattered, and only used for summer. Apart from some taboos matters mentioned above, there are also some other details worth to pay attention to. Gifts bridesmaid dresses plus size should be able to cater to their pleasure, avoid let people think that you are bought at the sucks. Or they would misunderstand that you are intending to provocation.
Par pasan le jeudi 21 juillet 2011


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